
We visited the City Clerk’s office today and filed a protest to the ordinance which was passed by City Council last night, which would amend the raw water dedication provisions, to allow the City to accept raw water credits from Terry Ranch. We also let them know of our intent to circulate a Referendum. We should get the paperwork from the City Clerk’s office late on Monday and will then begin preparing packets to be circulated for signatures.

We will have just over 3 weeks to get in excess of 2,200 signatures on the Referendum. Again, they will have to be Greeley residents and registered voters. This Referendum will be in addition to the Charter Change Amendments which are now being circulated which require about 7,000 signatures. The Referendum and the Charter Change Amendments can be circulated together. You will need to get 3 signatures instead of 2.

The weather is looking good after Thursday so I GUESS WE BETTER GET OUR WALKING SHOES ON if we want to SAVE GREELEY’S WATER from the Terry Ranch contamination and give voters a say in their water future.

We are in urgent need of circulators. Please contact us here and we will get you signed up and get the materials to you to circulate. The regular folks out there are hungry for information and the right to vote.

2 thoughts on “Referendum

  1. My wife and I are in our 70’s and cannot circulate the petition however if you would like our signatures have someone come to 1328 63rd Avenue Court, Greeley

    Sent from my iPhone



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